Saturday, 6 June 2015

IT & Autism

Its has been my great joy - and privilege to work with autistic students. Using iPads we have been able to learn several key points that helps the students to access the new technology

  • Keep it simple!
  • Multimedia rocks!
  • Animation is cool!
  • Green Screen is awesome!

Keep it simple!

Having simple, graphical apps that give an almost instant result. More complex apps will create stress and problems over persisting. It is better to have a direct approach and enable work to be completed within minutes. 

Multimedia Rocks!

Students have really enjoyed the opportunity to make quaity products that are very motivating. Students have done documentaries, weather reports and more recently stories that relate to soap stars!

Animation is cool!

Using simple animation apps like Puppet Pals students have the potential to use the IT effectively and with style to nake content more greenscreen.

Green Screen is awesome!

Students made their own campaign adverts, weather reports, health warnings on alcohol and projects . Information is visual and off the cuff rather than planned down in detail.